Premium to the tips of every feather

Our passion is to help you get cars back on the road in perfect condition through efficient processes, sustainable products and leading digital services that make your job easier and more profitable.

A complete digital solution for your bodyshop

Use a digital platform designed to drive your business success. Access solutions designed for color, learning, business management, support and trusted partner solutions.

How can we help?

Need help selecting the right service for you business?

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Our services for you

Our formula for your success

Glasurit products

Products for the perfect process

We want you to be successful. And the basis is a paint system that is perfectly in line with your demands.

Glasurit Color

Color leadership for an invisible repair, every time

The perfect color match is key for a reliable and efficient repair job. We are known for the world's largest color database and the accuracy of our colors.

Glasurit Team

Your reliable business partner

From first-class paints to comprehensive refinishing solutions, Glasurit is the leading paint partner of choice for bodyshops across the world. We’re committed to your success.

Elevate your business

#EcoEffectiveness by Glasurit

Save 60%

on your energy costs thanks to our Eco-Effectiveness Process

Discover our ground-breaking products and solutions, designed specifically to support body shops in lowering their energy consumption by up to 60% while also significantly shortening process times and reducing material consumption.
Less CO2

with our Biomass balance Approach

Our products are manufactured with renewable raw materials. This means less CO2. It also means your business can attract a new, sustainably-minded customer, leading to more jobs.
Save 80%

on energy consumption

Up to 80% lower energy consumption compared to IR curing thanks to our UV technology

All new Glasurit

Glasurit Line 100

The all new Glasurit 100 Line.

Eco friendly paint to improve your business efficiency.

Latest news

90 Line


鸚鵡牌於台灣擴展高效環保的 90系列強效水性汽車修補漆解決方案

巴斯夫公司的汽車修補漆鸚鵡牌 (Glasurit®) 130 多年來以專業解決方案及同類產品最佳品質,成為全球頂尖的汽車修補漆品牌。由於汽車修補漆產業對提升整體效率、生產力及永續發展的需求日漸增加,鸚鵡牌於台灣提供 90 系列強效水性汽車修補漆解決方案,並搭配各式各樣的水性色母,做為環保解決方案之一。


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2017 年,巴斯夫旗下高端汽车修补漆品牌鹦鹉®继续通过鹦鹉·汽车维修站低碳减排项目资助云南省绿色环境发展基金会 (YGF) 在当地的植树活动。该项目于 2016 年启动,旨在帮助汽车维修站抵消温室气体排放,推广低排放型修补漆。


About Glasurit

Brand image video picture

Glasurit - A brand that stands for tradition and quality

The name Glasurit and our iconic scarlet macaw stand for highest quality standards, world-class products and unprecedented services.

